Site goal and description: Tears to Tiara Central provides any information about the Tears to Tiara anime, episode summary, reviews, information about scenes and episodes on animax's first simulcast anime "Tears To Tiara" as well as its characters, maps, places, and other useful information, opinion, rumors, and other miscellaneous details. For now, I will focus in writing about the pairing that I saw. A yaoi / shonen-ai (boy love) pairing -AraThur (Arawn x Arthur) When writing fanfictions, it can also be written as "Arawn/Arthur"

Avalon's Archive Room

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Episode 18: The Return | A Tears to Tiara Episode Summary by reychop

The castle was finally breached. As the gate of Life fell, it gave way to the outer city and there, the Gaels were forced to retreat to the inner walls. The best female warriors, hid behind a wall. And in this scene, Octavia presented a pendant to Morgan, with their names engraved on it, thus, a new bond is forged- one that is stronger than before and their friendship has just made it to a deeper level, one that will forever bind them together, and perhaps greater than Octavia and Lidia's past relationship?

Anyway, Gaius has just entered the city, but has not yet made it to the inner part for a gate is blocking his way. He and his adjutant, Decimasu, were outside the main city. The burning houses and dead corpses of the enemy surrounds him. Though he has suffered considerable loss, his forces were replenished by the third and second army that has just arrive to help him.

When he announced that they will attack, the started siezing the gate, attacking it with the battering ram that they have brought with them. The Gaels could do nothing but watch helplessly as the gate slowly deterriorate.

At this same time, Riannon was watching from the main castle. But a wave of feeling hit her- a vision so to say. The war is bound the end this day.

Episode 18: The Return

Arthur and the Brigantes tribe marched throughout the forests and into the clearing, where the remaining Gael army was resting. There, they met Ogam and had a little chat.

Arthur declared that he had finally found the answer. The answer - " It is to protect your friends, and the ones that surrounds you, them, who placed their trust on you.. " After declaring this, Ogam gave him a nod and told him that he has finally started his journey to the way of the king, which went unnoticed by Arthur.

After their talk, Ogam asked the men to cheer if they agree to Arthur leading them to battle. After their approval, and a bit of reluctance from Arthur's side, they proceeded to Avalon, with only one thing in their minds- To protect the city and save their important people.

Back in Avalon, Gaius and his men continued to attack the city. And since there will be no more resistance from the Gaels, he decided to end the battle in a "more relaxed manner". As the Gaels continued to defend their city, a horn sounded- a summoning call. Thus they rushed out of the outer walls and proceed to the innermost gate- the gate to the throne.

Meanwhile, Ermin and Limrwis has heard the call as well. But they have decided to prepare something for the men. Thus, they went on deciding which dish to prepare as they are running out supplies and ingredients due to the attack.

Back in the battlefield, the inner gate has fallen down and Gaius was overjoyed at the thought that there is only one more gate and he'll be opening the door to the throne and hail himself as the new king and create a world he always wanted.

However, he was interrupted when an attack came and right there, he noticed the arrival of Talieshin. Angered at the betrayal of the bard, he told his men to attack while the battering ram to mind their own business and attack the gate. Thus, this divides the force that Gaius has gathered.

But his tactics failed as they were overwhelmed by the numerous members of the Brigantes tribe. While the battle is going on, Arthur mustered his loudest voice and kept calling out to Arawn.

Though it is possible that Gaius has been irritated so he reprimanded Arthur. But suddenly, a rather familiar voice directed itself to Arthur and told him that he's making too much noise. Before anyone could react, a blast occured followed by a solid ray of white light. From the last gate it came, destroying the battering ram as well as killing a few men that has stationed themselves near the vicinity.

Once it cleared off, Arawn finally appeared in all his glory, looking calmly like nothing has happened at all.

The appearance of Arawn has caused so much joy that Riannon has ran to him, still can't believe that he has finally awaken. Gaius took this opportunity to strike. And as Arawn is still engrossed with Riannon, Gaius struck his sword.

His eagerness to kill the demon king however vanished as Arthur blocked his attack. What annoyed him even more is how Arawn smirked at him, like he know something.

Meanwhile, it appears that the Imperial Army is losing and is currently having a hard time fighting the combined forces of the Brigantes tribe and the Gaels. The adjutant was losing hope but the vision of Gaius' world kept him going.

Back in the outskirts of the throneroom, Gaius and Arawn kept exchanging words and ideals. It was then revealed that Regius was actually the way of the king. However, Gaius kept on with his words, which infuriarated Arawn that "you humans still haven't understood" making his left eye flash deep red as some sort of force enveloped him.

They then started the duel. And after yet another exchange of words, Arthur and Gaius moved on to fight. However, Arthur is clearly losing. And after his temporary loss, this is the time when Gaius realized that Regius also means "Little King" and that Arawn only intends to groom the "little brat" to become a true king. In other words, Arawn's goal is to prepare Arthur to be king.

Arawn's smirked can't possibly get any wider as his pride welled up. After telling Gaius that he "finally understood", Gaius was then filled with blind anger, unable to accept that he is not the destined one to be king. This cause him to lose focus, allowing Arthur to stab him.

After this, he praised Arthur, calling him "king" and asked him a final request. He asked Arthur to spare the soldiers after his death. Arthur asked Arawn for assistance but Arawn merely told him to do what he think is right. Thus Arthur decided to agree.

Their session was interrupted when his adjutant arrived, trying to attack Arthur and Arawn, but Gaius stopped him and gave him the final order instead- the submission of the army.

And right before he fell, he had given a rather lengthy speech. But most of it contains his regrets of not realizing his mistakes sooner, how they should have been friends instead. But, all was too late as he has realized it only at this time. As his time runs out, he managed to say his last wishes "please pursue the path of freedom."

Gaius' defeat has reached the Imperial senate and instead of concern and worry, they merely laughed at his loss. Their arrogant merrymaking was interrupted however, when a supposed to be gardener of "his imperial" majesty appeared.

And after asking why he is present, he merely smiled and told them how disappointed is he with their limitations. Thus, he decided to stop the act.

Before they could respond, a red hot flame coiled from his body, and reached out to every members in the senate, killing them all silently in a matter of seconds.

Next episode: As the peace reigned over Avalon, a new threat seems to rise. How long will their peaceful days last? Tune in for Episode 19: Son of the Night


  1. yey :) u already posted tiara 18. i can now post mine :D

    tanoshimi :D


    episode 18 :D

  3. Wah.... Did you really wait for me? Hehehe. You shouldn't. I can be lazy at times... And we have a one-week seminar workshop to Manila (or was it Baguio?)this coming September so my future episodes could come in quite slow.
