Site goal and description: Tears to Tiara Central provides any information about the Tears to Tiara anime, episode summary, reviews, information about scenes and episodes on animax's first simulcast anime "Tears To Tiara" as well as its characters, maps, places, and other useful information, opinion, rumors, and other miscellaneous details. For now, I will focus in writing about the pairing that I saw. A yaoi / shonen-ai (boy love) pairing -AraThur (Arawn x Arthur) When writing fanfictions, it can also be written as "Arawn/Arthur"

Avalon's Archive Room

Monday, August 24, 2009

Episode 21: Song of Genesis | An Episode Summary for Tears to Tiara by reychop

Following the death of Merlinus, Lucifer faced the wrath of the remaining 11 phantoms, who were currently lecturing him how he couldn't stop the treacherous acts and offenses that the phantom has committed.

However, they told him that they are willing to forgive him and allow him to join them as the white phantoms provided that Lucifer will pledge to obey to them. Lucifer agreed. Furthermore, the phantoms agreed to let him take after Merlinus' works, but of course, they will make minor adjustments.

Overjoyed that this has happened, he pledged himself to obey and to join the white phantoms. After this, he retreated to the outskirts of the council's meeting room.

Episode 21: Song of Genesis

Lucifer stood on the outskirts of the city, and was left alone to his thoughts, asking himself if what he's doing is really the right thing, as his father wanted. Then he remembered one thing that Myrddin reminded him- "It matters not what you have become, but what you do". This made him want to descend back to Earth and see what has taken place after the disappearance of his father.

As he arrived, he was greeted by a most beautiful place. The Song of Genesis has indeed called forth Spring. Flowers filled every corners of the land, grass, green and blooming stretched as far as the eyes could see and the towering mountains guarded the tranquility of the scenery.

He decided to pick a few flowers and offer it as a tribute to Myrddin. After doing so, he went to the cave hoping that like the outside world, it would be beautiful as well. However, nothing has changed. In fact, it has worsen. The cave has become even gloomier, and feels darker, as if filled with sorrow.

On its center, a roaring fire glows. And behind it, is the child they have saved. Glad that the child was alive, he came nearer to him and showed the flowers. However, the child did not respond. He shook the child harsher, but still, no response came. Angered, frustrated and impatient, he dragged the child outside, introducing him to Spring, the warmth and the beauty of life. But it made no difference. Instead, it only worsen as the child started to say something that is oddly unfamiliar.

"I serve the absolute being"

"I only love you"

"I live to serve"

"I am your servant"

"I will serve you"

These sentences sent Lucifer reeling, unable to fathom how this could happen. The child will not listen to any of his attempt. The child continued to worship the phantoms. Lucifer has now understood what is happening. This is what the phantoms have meant when they said "minor adjustments".

Angered at this, as well as the wastage of his father's sacrifice, he immediately ascended back into heaven and summoned the phantoms.

Of course, the 11 phantoms were annoyed to be disrupted by what they regarded as a lowly being however Lucifer held his resolve. As new confidence burned within him, he told the phantoms that he no longer wished to serve them and that he is backing off as a phantom.

The phantoms laughed at this, telling him it is not that hard as he is only to follow what they tell him and nothing less. However, he didn't listened.

The phantoms now realized that he is, like Merlinus, merciful of the humans and this angered him. They warned him not to make the same mistake as Merlinus did, it is simply foolish.

Upon hearing this, Lucifer laughed and told them it is they who are foolish and laughs. They were angered and warned that he will suffer the "curse of the phantom". Nevertheless, he had made up his mind. And after laughing some more, he uttered a simple "Ja ne!" and he descended back to Earth.

He descended to the exact spot, in front of the child. And to his joy, the child has came back to his senses. He gave him a final gift, a wreath of flowers and placed it on his head, telling him that he is, like the flowers, a primula, and there, he gave the child a total freedom.

The vision ends there and the scene shifted back to Talieshin. The said bard then parted with is friend, the dragon and left the cave, only to be greeted by the sight of the enemy, a long line of enemy now headed to Mt. Corus, to stop them in their plans. The bard then realized one thing- "He can't escape his destiny after all."

Meanwhile, Arawn, Arthur and the Gaels make their final stand in front of the magical glyph that held the ice age. The giant legendary warriors were each on their positions, and were already attacking the gigantic seals, in hopes of breaking it as fast as they could as the dark army advances.

A few enemy fell as the glyph gave way, but instead of an avalanche, a snowstorm came, destroying their plan. They decided to retreat to the foot of the mountain and as they were doing so, Arawn bumped into Talieshin. Arthur was about to ask him where he had been but the bard knocked him unconscious. A giant took the fallen warrior and joined the retreating army. As the others fled, the two conversed. Talieshin then told Arawn he knew everything, and that he is asking permission to chant "the song of genesis".

Arawn seems to be taken aback by this and attempt to stop him. However, the bard convinced him in the end. The fallen phantom could do nothing but watch as Talieshin called forth the Spring. The resulting spell made the snow collapsed and along with it, the bard disappeared.

The spell called forth an avalanche, drowning the dark army and burying them beneath an icy death. The war was stopped temporarily, and Arthur mourned for the bard while others merely watched as they held back their tears.

Night time fell and everyone was back in the castle... Reunion was quite short and silence once again fell over Avalon.

However, one elf- Epona- could not be silenced. He sat alone in one of the windows that Talieshin often played his harp. He grieved the loss of the bard and asked why he hadn't saved himself. However, he was greeted with no reply. Contemplating, the elf decided to let it go for now and offered to sing a song for Talieshin, just as he had sung to save everyone.

As he chanted a song in foreign language- an elven song that Talieshin liked- it rang through Avalon like a spell that soothed everyone, making them think as something stirred within their hearts.


Impression: This episode is indeed heartbreaking. Despite for their temporary victory, they have lost a leader and a friend that is devoted and is well-loved. On the other side, their peace is still temporary as they have yet to face the white phantom, their true enemy.

The next episode will be an episode filled with action, reunions, and revelations. Will this be the finale? Stay tuned! Next Episode- EPISODE 22: DRNWYN



    finally :)

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